Using your credit card is an easy and cashless way to make payments for anything, at any time. There’s no need to put off buying what you want today until later on, thanks to credit cards. With these cards, you can buy the latest mobile phone, book flights for your upcoming holiday, pay for a meal at a restaurant or even buy groceries with just the swipe of a card. RAPIDLOANS has a variety of credit cards from which you’re sure to find one that’s perfect for your needs, so apply today.
Eligibility Criteria for Credit Cards
Salaried | Self Employed | |
Age | 21-60 Years | 23-65 Years |
Experience | 6 Months | 1 Year |
Income | Minimum 10000 Net Monthly Income | 1 Lakh per annum |
Nationality | Indian | Indian |
- Joining Fee- Rs. 499
- Annual fee- Rs 499
- Age Limit- 21-65 ( Salaried ), 21-70 ( Self Employed )
- Minimum Monthly Income- 20000 (Salaried), 30000 (Self Employed)
- Credit Score- 730+
- Documents Required- Aadhar Card, Pan Card, 3 Months Salary Slip for Salaried, 2 years ITR for Self Employed
- Joining Fee- Rs. 499
- Annual fee- Rs 499
- Age Limit- 21-65 ( Salaried ), 21-70 ( Self Employed )
- Minimum Monthly Income- 20000 (Salaried), 30000 (Self Employed)
- Credit Score- 730+
- Documents Required- Aadhar Card, Pan Card, 3 Months Salary Slip for Salaried, 2 years ITR for Self Employed
- Joining Fee- NIL
- Annual fee- Rs 999+GST
- Age Limit- 21-65 ( Salaried ), 21-65 ( Self Employed )
- Minimum Monthly Income- 20000 (Salaried), 30000 (Self Employed)
- Credit Score- 720+
- Documents Required- Aadhar Card, Pan Card, 3 Months Salary Slip for Salaried, 2 years ITR for Self Employed
- Customer need to have an existing Credit Card with a limit of 50000.